
How to check MahaRERA details online

How to check MahaRERA details online Buying Guide

Are you planning to buy a property in Maharashtra? Then, it is essential to ensure that the project you invest in is registered with the Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (MahaRERA). This regulatory body was established to safeguard the interests of homebuyers and promote transparency in the real estate sector. In this article, we will guide you on how to check MahaRERA details online and make an informed decision before investing in any real estate project.

Step 1: Visit the MahaRERA website

The first step is to visit the official website of MahaRERA, which is On the homepage, you will find a search bar where you can enter the name of the project or the MahaRera registration number to access the project's details.

Step 2: Enter the project details 

In the search bar, you can enter the name of the project or the registration number. You can also select the location and the project status from the drop-down menu to narrow down the search results. Once you enter the project details, click on the search button to proceed. 

Step 3: Access project details

After clicking on the search button, the website will display a list of projects that match your search criteria. You can click on the project name to access the project's details. The project details page will provide you with information such as the project's name, registration number, address, developer details, project layout, carpet area, and the date of completion.

Step 4: Check for RERA compliance

One of the most crucial factors to consider while investing in a real estate project is whether the project is registered with MahaRERA or not. On the project details page, you can check whether the project is registered with MahaRERA or not. If the project is registered, you can also check whether the developer has obtained all the necessary approvals and clearances from the concerned authorities.

Step 5: Check project status

The MahaRERA website also provides you with information on the project's status. You can check whether the project is under construction, completed, or has been abandoned. This information is vital as it can help you make an informed decision on whether to invest in the project or not.

Step 6: Check project progress

Checking the project progress is an essential step in the MahaRERA details online verification process. This step helps you to know how far the developer has gone with the construction of the project. The MahaRERA website provides information on the project's progress and the status of the various construction stages. You can check whether the project is on schedule or if there have been any delays. 

Step 7: Check for any complaints

Checking for any complaints filed against the project/developer is an important step in ensuring the project's credibility and reliability. The MahaRERA website provides you with information on any complaints filed against the project, if any. You can check whether any homebuyers have filed complaints against the project and if the complaints have been resolved or not. The website also provides information on the reasons for the complaints and how the developer has resolved them. By checking for complaints, you can get an idea of the project's track record and the developer's reputation. 


In conclusion, MahaRERA has been established to protect home buyers' interests and promote transparency in the real estate sector. By checking MahaRERA details online, you can ensure that the project you invest in is registered with the regulatory body, and the developer has obtained all the necessary approvals and clearances. This information can help you make an informed decision and avoid any potential risks. So, before investing in any real estate project in Maharashtra, make sure to visit the MahaRERA website and check the project details. 


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